Termite Treatment, Pest Control & Exterminator Service

Trusted. Experienced. Dedicated.

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Welcome to ClearWay - a Leading Pest Control Company

Here at ClearWay, we are passionate about making sure that your family is happy, healthy and safe from any pest control problems.



Have a question? Need help? Give us a call 123-456-7891 or submit a question online. Our customer support can help solve your problems.



Assess your home through our free, comprehensive inspections.



Implement unique solutions for your home that focus on control and prevention.



Monitor your home for problems and to ensure ongoing protection.

Our Services

As one of the premier pest control companies in the industry, we offer advanced protection against many common pests.

Great Results at Affordable Prices

We are leaders in the industry that specializing in protection against common insects, including termites, rodents, and spiders. We have more than 50 years of experience in bugs control services.

In addition to helping prevent termites, bed bugs and other common pests from attacking your home, ClearWay can help provide protection against other problems such as wildlife and moisture. We even offer services and products that can help you run a more energy efficient household.

Residential Pest Control 100%
Commercial Pest Control 90%
Wildlife Management 70%
Mosquito Control 40%

Our Happy Customers


Yearly inspections


Satisfied Clients


Pests in a Library


Awards and Certificates

Pest Control Solutions

Our innovative pest control service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems, while our protection services make sure your home is always protected.


Residential Pest Control


Household pests Control

Rodent Control

Re-Service at No-Charge


Residential Pest Control and Monitoring


Household pests Control

Rodent Monitoring & Control

Termite Control

Re-Service at No-Charge



Residential Pest Control and Prevention


Household pests Control

Rodent Monitoring & Control

Termite Control

Mosquito Reduction

Re-Service at No-Charge

Latest News

In this section we are featuring up-to-date industry news, reports from events around the world, relevant technical information and any practical tips we think you might find useful.

Rodent Control


We control, prevent and eliminate mice, and rat problems in your home with the help of inconspicuous glue boards, trap boxes, snap traps and bait boxes. We protect you from the damages and distress of a rodent control problem.


October 5, 2015

Termite Control


Our termite control includes Termidor liquid treatment to eliminate colonies, bait systems to target subterranean termites and localized treatments to control any dry wood termites that may cause trouble in your home.


October 5, 2015

General Pest Control


We design individualized pest control programs to treat your pest and rodent problems. The pests we treat include ants, centipedes, roaches, wasps, spiders, millipedes, silverfish, mites, fleas, ticks, mice, and rats.


October 5, 2015